Sunday, December 19, 2004


Regarding Iraq
puts up many posts to different links. Here is that blog's entry and link of one very important topic:
Agencies warn Bush that U.S. isn't defeating Iraq insurgents

Posted Dec 19, 2004 12:06 PM PST
Category: IRAQ
Okay, one more time.
There were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

Iraq WAS in compliance with UN Resolutions.

Iraq was NOT a threat to the United States.

Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11.

Iraq was not supporting Al Qaeda.

Iraq did not gas the Kurds, Iran did.

Saddam is in jail.

The Iraqi people do not want Americans occupying their country.

The US has already lost this war politically, in the eyes of the world. There is nothing they can do which will be seen as vindicating the presence of the US in Iraq.

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