Friday, January 28, 2011


Friday Cat Blogging - Werro

Isn't Werro a cute kitty? He's really friendly, too. I think he's the friendliest of the three brothers. When I walked out the door, he ran out before I could get the door shut. Luckily, he stopped on the steps, so I could pick him up and put him back in the house. The other two boys were happy to stay inside.

Yay! Happy Friday! As always, check out the wonderful animal pictures linked for Friday Ark at The Modulator.

Wow! I almost posted this on The Practical Press! That was the last place I posted (a short story) so it was at the top to post on. I picked new post, and the window opened, so I uploaded the picture. Luckily, I looked at the labels, and saw they weren't the same as this blog:)

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Friday, January 21, 2011


Friday Cat Blogging - Zorro

While I was visiting with Pablo, Werro, and Zorro, I took many pictures. Here's a good one of Zorro. It's funny how all their names end with "o". If their parents adopted another cat, maybe it could be named Fluff (since all their cats are fluffy).

Happy Friday! As always, check out the wonderful animal pictures linked for Friday Ark at The Modulator.

Oops. The princess just jumped on my lap. She doesn't like seeing other kitties' pictures on my computer. I'll have to shield the picture from her:)

It snowed and snowed, last night. My neighbor said we received eight inches. All I know is that shoveling, today, was quite the chore! I kept sweeping the deck, last night...and it kept coming down, darnit! At least I could get out the door, this morning. The door opens outward, and if I hadn't kept sweeping, the snow would have packed it shut. I would have had to go out the back door. That would have meant tracking through the neighbor's yard...through all that stinking snow. If the snow was packable, it would have been a lot easier. I could have made pathways by making some snow people. That would have been cool.

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Friday, January 14, 2011


Friday Cat Blogging - Grey Feather Close-up

Grey Feather knows how to look cute for her close up! I bought a small camera so I can carry it around and take pictures, easily. In experimenting with it, I took a shot of Grey Feather, who was sitting on my lap. I hadn't yet figured out the flash, so it turned out to be a little darker...but she still looks cute!

Happy Friday! As always, check out the wonderful animal pictures linked for Friday Ark at The Modulator.

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Friday, January 07, 2011


Friday Cat Blogging - Two kitties for the price of one!

Pablo again! What a cutie! He's showing off how glorious his tail really is!I was leaving a store, and a truck pulled up behind me. I noticed the kitty in the window, and snapped a shot. What a well trained kitty! My kitties would not stay in the truck if they had an open window!

Happy Friday! As always, check out the wonderful animal pictures linked for Friday Ark at The Modulator.

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