Saturday, January 22, 2005


Amnesty International

Faramin at HUMAN first, then a proud IRANIAN links to this letter from Amnesty International to George W. Bush on the occasion of his re-inauguration. Human rights not hollow words An appeal to President George W. Bush on the occasion of his re-inauguration...Into your administration’s "war on terror" detention policy has been added a pattern of dangerous public commentary about detainees by yourself and other officials. For example, repeated assertions that the detainees in Guantánamo are "terrorists", "killers" and "bad people" – has not only undermined the presumption of innocence, but has fuelled the notion that these are people for whom the basic rules of humanity and legality do not apply...
Wow! I wonder if anyone at the Whitehouse will read it. I think everyone needs to print it out and send it to their daily newspapers and ask them to run a story about it. I'm going to. By the way, has everyone read Riverbend's Jan. 22 post about no water for 6 days. I think that ties in perfectly with Geneva Conventions.

"Wow! I wonder if anyone at the Whitehouse will read it. " - oldwhitelady

Wow, indeed. Thanks for reminding me why I need to renew my membership; I was considering dropping Amnesty this year, but now I'll keep it.

Someone at the White House will probably read it. That someone will not be George W. Bush, or Cheney, or Rumsfeld.

The Yellow Doggerel Democrat
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