Sunday, January 16, 2005


Annals of Outrage

Annals of Outrage
by Katrina vanden Heuvel
She countdowns her list of the 10 most outrageous scandals during the Bush administration, so far. I think she could have written 20 most outrageous scandals... but, maybe she didn't have the space. During the past 4 years, there has been a lot of scandalous lying and manipulating going on... starting with the 2000 election!

Oldwhitelady is ok! i don't see a problem with your questions, doing questions is a way for learning, isn't it? :) if you have more questions... my email is Have a nice day :)
Thank you Liky. I really appreciate your help:)
Hi, Hola.
In all goverments theres always escandals, en todos los gobiernos siempre hay escandalos, Bush escandals are "wars", Clinton escandals are "blow jobs", los escandalos de Bush son las "guerras", los de Clinton son las "chupadas".
Keep triying to read in spanish, sigue leyendo en español.
Gracias! Hektorzito, Yo piense las guerras son peor que a las chupadas, aunque:) I think wars are worse than a blowjob, though:)
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