Saturday, January 22, 2005


I'm outraged and cannot understand why more people are not

I was listening to Jim Bohanan this morning. He made a statement that he didn't think it was a good idea to indiscriminately kill people. He sure thought that was a good idea when we started warring with Iraq. Since no WMDs were found, I have several questions,
First question with several small questions included: To all those people who called for the US to "NUKE IRAQ", what are your thoughts, now? Do you still think it was a good idea for us to bomb hell out of Iraq? Iraq did NOT kick the inspectors out of the country, the UN pulled them out so that when we bombed, the inspectors would not be harmed. Remember, Iraq did give UN the weapons manifesto. Remember how the UN representatives (US included) blacked out a major part of the manifesto?
Second question: Since Saddam is being held accountable for what his military did to the Iraqi people, shouldn't our leaders be held accountable for what our military did (includes bombing, home invasion, torture, dead innocents, and all the affects from water, sewer, electric problems) to the Iraqis?
Third question: Remember the golden rule - Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Does this mean that 51 percent of our country would be ok with their children and themselves being bombed, tortured, (everything that was done to the Iraqi people by our military) etc.?
Final question: We attacked a country based on "WMD" and "Al Quaida ties", which have proved to be false. Where's the outrage?

These are fine questions, oldwhitelady, and it would be nice if 51% of the country was able to think critically enough to answer them. Alas, only the reality-based portion of the U.S. is asking these things and insisting on an answer. Of course, we are empathetic enough that we can perceive the harm we are doing to others. We are also altrustic enough that we cannot sleep at night over it. The non-answer to these questions is a fine commentary on 51% of the population. Truth, they care more about hobbling civil liberties on homosexuals than murder.

naturally, your post is so good, I'll be blogging it.

While I remain firm in my belief (or denial) that 51.8% of those who voted did not actually vote for Bush. Still I cannot escape the fact that many people did indeed vote for him. I suspect we'll get no straight answers from those who did. They too are in denial. They still believe there were WMD's. That Saddam was a very bad man and it was worth destroying the Iraqi way of life in order to remove him. They refuse to even entertain the idea that this war started as anything other than a quest for freedom and democracy for the people of Iraq.
It would appear that we all have our own version of reality. Sadly with the media/press being as biased and prejudiced as they are today, we will most likely never know the whole truth.
Wanda ( Words on A Page )

It's the Good Germans. In case you wondered how the people of Bach and Goethe could become so uncivilized, so inhumane, so inhuman... Hanna Ahrendt had it right when she spoke of the "banality of evil."

I'm bloody sick of peple who just go on about their daily lives as if nothing were happening: Despite two rigged elections, an attack on this country that has yet to be avenged, used as an excuse to suspend our civil liberties and attack an entirely innocent country, for the personal business interests of the family that rigged the elections.

And we're all supposed to remain "moderate" and modulate our voices and not do anything that might seem untoward. Untoward? In the face of torture? Against the deliberate destruction of our country's once-proud heritage of freedom and democracy, civil liberties and humanitarianism? Under a regime that knows no bounds of decency or legality? The only behavior that would be untoward is doing nothing at all to stop it.

I don't care what fools think: Fools cannot think. America has become a fascist State. And it just gets worse every day. If you're waiting for Dubya to grow a Hitler moustache, you're a fool. To the Muslims, he is Hitler. And you loyal, goose-stepping Republicans are the Good Germans, who just don't see ANYTHING.
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