Friday, January 28, 2005


'Mad cow" disease found in goat

'Mad cow' disease found in goat
Goat meat is subject to the same strict controls as beef
A French goat has tested positive for mad cow disease - the first animal in the world other than a cow to have bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE).

Damn it all, anyway! According to the article More than 100 people in the UK have died from vCJD (variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease), the human form of BSE, after eating tainted beef.
I had not realized there were so many cases that were actually pegged as vCJD. In the US, there are some suspect Alzheimers cases, but I wonder if they even bother to do the testing because they don't want the American public to quit eating beef.

I think we're supposed to address him as Secretary Rumsfeld until he's out of office. Or maybe Secretary Goat Rumsfeld...
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