Saturday, January 15, 2005


Taking the cats to the vet

During the week, I made an appointment for the kitties to go to the vet, today. Cotton and Saddie needed their vaccinations, and I was worried about Sgt Mango's health - too much water intake and almost liquid stool. I bought a new pet taxi because the other one would only hold 2 kitties and the 2 are still not really friendly with Sgt Mango. The 2 were excited about the pet taxi after it was put together. They took turns getting into it and laying down. This morning was a different situation, though. When we got home from the vet, I had 2 1/2 pissed off kitties. 1/2 is Saddie, because he didn't like the shots, but he still likes me. The other 2 kitties took off and disappeared. $154.50 for the kitties, but they're worth it!

Your cats are beauties...of course they're worth it(vet bill)...
Thank you, they really are little darlings.
Crazyteach - I agree - that can be downright irritating because you don't want them getting hurt.
Excuse me - funny that your doc has to dump the cat out, but when they put their little feet against the wall of the carrier...
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