Sunday, February 27, 2005


Agent Orange

I was talking with a co-worker one day about Vietnam and Agent Orange. I told him my cousin came back from being exposed and died at age 32. My co-worker had the audacity to tell me that Agent Orange never caused any health problems. He had been there and he was fine. I told him that perhaps he hadn't been exposed as much, or perhaps his genes were factors.

Vietnam Looks to Win Agent Orange Law Suit
...Agent Orange, named after the color of its containers, is blamed for nightmarish birth defects in Vietnam where babies appeared with two heads or without eyes or arms. U.S. veterans of the war have complained for years of a variety of health problems from exposure to the herbicide...
...It is unclear whether the Vietnamese plaintiffs will succeed, but there are precedents in a 1984 agreement by Dow and Monsanto to pay $180 million to U.S. veterans. The U.S. government has refused consistently to discuss compensation...

Yeah, He walks the Republican walk. Right now, he's on Bush's SS bandwagon. Anything the Repubs do, is ok with him.
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