Wednesday, February 09, 2005


First They Came For The Terrorists...

First They Came For The Terrorists... by Thom Hartmann
The paragraphs I really like are these:
First Bush and Gonzales came for the terrorists, but I was not a terrorist, so I did not speak out. Then they came for the enemy combatants, but I was not a combatant, so I did not object. Then they came for the protestors resisting "free speech zones" near Bush campaign rallies, but I was not a protestor and so I only voiced my unease.
If we - and our elected representatives - do not speak out now, loudly and forcefully, it may not be long before they come for the rest of us.

I love Thom Hartmann's work. Have you read this one?

When Democracy Failed: The Warnings of History
I hadn't, but am now - that is great! Thank you.
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