Wednesday, February 16, 2005


God Owes Us an Apology

God Owes Us an Apology
by Barbara Ehrenreich...Yes, 12/26 was a warning, though not about the hazards of wearing bikinis...
I like that she gives the date to name the tragedy, just like 9/11. A whole lot more people died, got uprooted, maimed, hurt, & lost their possessions. It is appropriate to remember this tragedy by the date.
...The Christian-style "God of love" should be particularly vulnerable to post-tsunami doubts. What kind of "love" inspired Him to wrest babies from their parents' arms, the better to drown them in a hurry? If He so loves us that He gave his only son etc., why couldn't he have held those tectonic plates in place at least until the kids were off the beach? So much, too, for the current pop-Christian God, who can be found, at least on the Internet, micro-managing people's careers, resolving marital spats, and taking excess pounds off the faithful--this last being Pat Robertson's latest fixation... Here's a question to the faithful. This everloving God must have a reason, right?

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