Friday, February 25, 2005



Liberals keep rolling out a scrolling series of attacks on Gannon for their Two Minutes Hate, but all their other charges against him fall apart after three seconds of scrutiny. Gannon's only offense is that he may be gay.REPUBLICANS, BLOGGERS AND GAYS, OH MY! - This is by Ann Coulter. Of course, she bashes Liberals in this article. In reading her statement above, I question why she brings up "Two Minutes Hate", however, I guess she should know all about that term as she sure pours on the hatred of Liberals in most everything she writes.
Jeffraham Prestonian writes about this article on his blog Adidas in Heat. Here's an excerpt:
Ann -- darling -- it's not about teh gay; it's about teh whoring. It's not even about that -- it's about "How did this non-journalist get into the White House briefing room, when thousands of Americans can't even get within 100 yards of the Preznit at a public rally?" Making this a gay issue is like accusing someone of not liking blacks, simply because they point out that Condi Rice is incompetant to the degree that to her, as NSA, a PDF titled "Bin laden Determined to Strike In U.S." is merely "historical."
02/25/2005 a good blog post to read about this The Rude Pundit


Funny. This is Number One on the daily Repukelickin talking points list. Shock and awe the "liberals" by accusing them of typical conservative sins.

I had one of them try to do that to me recently. I turned it right around on him:
"ANTI-SEMITIC!!! ME??? I'm part JEWISH, you hypocritical nazi-wannabee! Jew-baiter! You're the anti-semite. Your whole right-wing "philosophy" is BASED on racism & sectarianism. EVERYBODY knows that! SHAME on you, Jew-hater! Dressing like that at Auschwitz!"
and so on. He was as shocked and awed as he'd tried to make me.

That's the problem with theses stupid talking points: They don't provide rejoinders to responses. And this one is glaringly ridiculous and easy to turn around:
"Hey, you're the guys who FIRED Gannon/ Guckert for BEING gay! That's the only "sin" of his, or yours, heh-heh, that you've admitted to! What WAS the reason he was fired, then? Hm, self-hating Repuke closet-queens? How's that Anti-Gay Marriage Amendment coming along?"

Try it. It's fun. Watch them sputter.
Hi Cosa! Good to see you about. Thank you for coming over and commenting. You and Jefreham have some good comments for the Reps. Sometimes, I have to have some "help" to think (meaning, input from others). Once those brain cells get fired up, though, lookout:), I detest Ann Coulter and what she stands for.
Thanks, 'Lady. This is a typical GOP ploy; it's their idealized version of Affirmative Action. They put forth someone in a protected class, and if anyone dare question or criticize them, they make the ridiculous assertion that it's because of their protected class status. We've seen it with Rice, Gonzales, and now Guckert. Disingenuous, in the extreme.
I think Ann's trying to be clever with her mention of the Two-minutes Hate. It's a veiled reference to George Orwell's 1984. What I find comical is that she's using the reference to refer to Democrats when in truth the reference could be more aptly applied to any Bush administration press conference where they spend their time trying to brainwash the "Amuriken" people into believing whatever their weekly meme happens to be. I mean, c'mon and all. Could this administration be any more Orwellian?
Thanks, Ms. OWL. I always appreciate your visits to my neck of the cyber-woods, too!

It's funny, the Puke's don't have a mythology. At least, not a good one. I mean, the Nazi's were the ultimate conservatives. The "French surrender-monkeys" were the Right, in France, in WWII. It was the Socialists who fought Fascism from within France & Germany in the 30s & 40s.

And it's the very same kind of "conservatives" trumpeting for scum like Condoleeeeeeeeza and Gonzales who opposed civil rights for their people from the founding of this Republic right up until today.

You can see why the Repukes hate public education: It educates the public. And that's not good for the Right. Especially the History lessons...
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