Wednesday, February 09, 2005


I really detest A. Coulter

That's why I really enjoyed this article:) which I found linked at Brought to us by Common Dreams - Ann Coulter Sticks Her Entire Leg in Her Mouth by Doug Ireland.
A most excellent piece. Hee heee - Have fun!

*I* say, let's put her on national prime-time news. Let's say she represents the conservatives who currently run our country. And give her some hot topics. And let 'er roll on them. Be as wrong as she can be. Put it on tape. Re-play it as a joke, every chance we get. Somehow, we have to make it public how wrongheaded and ignorant and destructive these people are.

Family values, indeed!
Ann Coulter was born so that people would have a chance to use the c-word without offending anyone. She continually does the same thing, but is rarely called on it. I saw an episode of Hannity and Colmes where she was arguing with something that she was obviously wrong about and obviosuly had no clue what she was talking about, but I doubt that will stop them from putting her on again.
I had seen that piece when I was watching "the fifth estate". This just shows how arrogant the neo-conservatives are that are willing to insist on something that any child knows that it has never happened.

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