Saturday, February 05, 2005


Not Worth It

Not Worth It by Cindy Sheehan
Cindy lost her son in Iraq. She was supposed to be on the Larry King show to talk about the Iraqi elections and how she saw it from her viewpoint. I was asked to be on the show to offer my opinion on the election in Iraq from the perspective of a mom whose son was killed in the war prior to the elections. One of the questions I was going to be asked was: Do I think my son’s sacrifice was “worth it?” Well, I didn’t get a chance to be on the show that night because I was bumped for something that is really important: The Michael Jackson Trial.

They want our children to volunteer to fight. They want our children to go to their death not even sure of what they're fighting for. They even want us to let Michael Jackson have his way with our children. They just don't want to hear what we think about it. After all it's always been the children of the poor and middle classes that are expendable. I'm sure their attitude is you should be used to it by now, so stop whinning already.
Can we become any more shallow? Michael Jackson is more important...probably because she isn't "on message." Can't have a mother's grief undermine The Mission.

Fifteen years ago my best friend and his wife were killed in a bus accident outside Kathmandu...his death all but destroyed his mother who I knew quite well. It changed me forever-I am not the same person I was prior to that January morning in 1990.

I can only imagine that the profound grief and unendurable sense of loss that the parents of soldier-children killed in Iraq must be my sense of loss magnified to a searing and unbearable level.

And then looking back upon what I've just written, I feel that words are so inadequate.

And to hell with Larry KIng and Michael Jackson!
well, we all know what our media's priorities are. Drinking kool aid.

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