Thursday, February 03, 2005


People should be judged by the ideals they most loudly profess

When I started reading this article, I thought to myself, "Wow, this guy has been reading my mind! The 'Pro-Life' Lie
People should be judged by the ideals they most loudly profess
by Daniel C. Maguire
...Pregnant women and their fetuses suffer from these same lethal deprivations and pregnant women and their fetuses are being bombed in their homes. If you who sanctimoniously wear the 'pro-life' banner were really pro-life-and pro-fetus, that would bother you and we would be hearing your voices raised powerfully in peace protests around the world. We don't. Therefore we must conclude that you are not 'pro-life' and that if you say you are, you are liars. American military leaders in Iraq have been quoted as saying 'we don't do body counts.' (Interesting, since even 'the mob' does body counts.)

I've often talked to others about this. I think that when you profess to be "Pro-Life", you should be worried about the LIFE in other countries, too. The lives we're snuffing out with our bombs and the lack of medicines. These anti-abortion folks should be complaining loudly and often about the pregnant women(and their fetuses) that have been killed in Iraq. The babies get killed along with the mothers. Since we don't hear a lot from the anti-abortionists about those abortions being performed in our name, I have to conclude that they are hypocrites.

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