Saturday, February 12, 2005


Riverbend has a new post

...They also say that 300 different ballot boxes from all over the country were disqualified (mainly from Mosul) because a large number of the vote ballots had “Saddam” written on them... Baghdad Burning
She also describes going to Ministry of Higher Education office with her male cousin. She is told to dress more appropriately next time. She told the man that she didn't work there. Her cousin said they were only there for an hour, and anyway, it wasn't the guy's business. The guy responds that she should have respect for the people working there.
...Two of them were wearing long skirts, loose sweaters and headscarves and the third had gone all out and was wearing a complete “jubba” or robe-like garb topped with a black head scarf. No one could talk that way before the war and if they did, you didn’t have to listen. You could answer back. Now, you only answer back and make it an issue if you have some sort of death wish or just really, really like trouble...

Riverbend's descriptions of life in Iraq are increasingly disturbing and frightening. In light of the incidents she describes, I find great irony in Bush's claim to have brought "democracy" to Iraq. One could easily think that Bush's effort was a catastrophic failure rather than the "catastrophic success" he claims. But a scarier thought is that Bush has accomplished exactly what he wants in Iraq, something he would like to impose here: a theocracy that oppresses women.

Considering what his policies have done to women, if I were Laura, I'd kick him out of bed.

The Yellow Doggerel Democrat
How do we know she hasn't already?:) After all, she is "ole lump in the bed".
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