Saturday, February 19, 2005
Saturday at home
Today, I've been taking it easy. I slept in, getting up at 11:00 AM. The kitties are playing and doing cute things. I love watching them stalk each other. Poor Sgt. Mango doesn't really know how to play with the other two, just yet. He tries, but sometimes he is a bit rough. He attacked Cotton, but jumped a little to hard. Cotton backed off, but still was willing to jump at Sgt. Mango. I think Mango embarrassed himself and withdrew to a hidey space. Saddie thought a chase was on, so came running to stare at Mango. He was ready to pounce if Mango made some odd move. Later, Cotton and Saddie were lying in the hall and Sgt. Mango came running up and jumped on my lap. He was purring contentedly until I set him on the floor so I could type. I am so glad I have the three furry felines. They are little darlings who make life a lot easier.