Thursday, February 03, 2005


SOTU speech last night.

I didn't watch the speech. I didn't feel good, anyway - why should my health worsen from watching something I didn't have to watch?
Norbizness paraphrased the speech. Truespeak has some interesting observations about the speech.

Great links; as usual. Thanks.

BTW, have I told you how much I like the name you have chosen for your blog? "It's morning somewhere". Yes, sun is also rising somewhere.
Encapsulated SOTUA for the non-visually-impaired:

"...Lies...All lies...More lies..."

We now return you to our regularly scheduled programming.
Thanks Faramin. That was kind of what I was thinking when I named it.
Cosa, I think most know that we get told lies constantly, if not consistently. Why do people put up with it? Why do his followers think he's so wonderful?
As the old beer commercial used to say, "It's the water"...

Ever notice everybody's drinking corporately-bottled and "filtered" water, these days?

Must be something STUPID in it.
Thanks for the recent links. New visitors are always welcome.
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