Monday, February 21, 2005


Was the Hunk contest rigged?

Well, my face is red. I voted for NTodd in the hunk contest as written about here.
Now, I find that we should have asked for full figure pictures. Can we take back our votes?The real NTodd as seen on his blog from Sunday, December 26, 2004.

I've made mistakes in the past. Does that automatically disqualify me from having a future life as a hunk?

Oh, and that photo is a fake. Besides, who hasn't dressed up in missile tit outfits and sung Like a Virgin in public? Those without sin may cast the first stone.
Well, NTodd, I know you say the photo is fake, but how can we be sure. It sure is funny:)
I can dig up some witnesses. Just wait until I sue you for, uh...political assassination!
Silly woman... you knew he was a snake when you picked him up. ;)

Now where are those pictures of me wearing nothing but a pair of black leather chaps...
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