Saturday, March 05, 2005


God works in mysterious ways.

Bush credits God with Middle Eastern "Freedom Movement".
Wouldn't you think he would credit the military? Shouldn't he be crediting the many boys and girls who gave up their life and/or limbs for his Freedom Crusade? I don't think "God" waged this war. If "God" did, I wonder who "God" really is.
Why the U.S. Must Get Out of Iraq, Pronto Maj. General Harry Upman (retired) contends that we have lost 4000 military (by death - either in Iraq or while being moved to Germany or other bases) and over 10,000 have been wounded. ...According to a report I heard last night on Frontline on PBS, 1 in 6 of our people coming home from Iraq need mental help...
...What have we gained in Iraq? Absolutely nothing. What have we lost? Our leadership in the world militarily, morally and financially.
...What has this man's army come to? Have we totally lost our honor? To be a military man in this army means to be immoral, a liar, to accuse the innocent and to not grieve for killing women and children...

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