Saturday, April 02, 2005
Oh, the Horror! I had a rough day, ok?
- *Atriotisms*
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Links of Bloggy Goodness
- Adgita Diaries(mandt)
- Adgita Diaries(mandt)NEW HOME
- Adidas in Heat(Jeffraham Prestonian)
- afarensis: Anthropology, Evolution and Science
- afarensis at ScienceBlogs
- After Downing Street
- Alas, a Blog
- Alternate Brain
- The American Street
- Artsy Catsy
- Ask a Pothead
- Badtux, the Snarky Penguin
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- Bark Bark Woof Woof(Mustang Bobby)
- Stephen Bates-Yellow Doggeral Democrat
- New Link* Stephen Bates-The Yellow Something Something
- Big Brass Blog
- Blog me no Blogs(Cosa Nostradamous)
- BlondeSense
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- Bonnie Underfoot & Victor Tabbycat
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- Dohiyi Mir (NTodd)
- The dullest blog in the world
- Elwood's World
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- Eschaton(Atrios)
- Fables of the Reconstruction(Mithras)
- The Fat Lady Sings
- firedoglake
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- The Gypsy's Caravan(SB Gypsy)
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- itlookslikethis(mrgumby2u)
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- left i on the news
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- ModulatorEml
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- My Dachsund lovin', thrifty livin' life(Daniela)
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- scout prime
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- The Sneeze-Steve don't eat it
- So Far From Heaven
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- Swerve Left
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- This blog is full of crap
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- Walled-In Pond(konopelli/WGG )
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- Watergate Summer
- Watermark, a poet's notebook
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- Why Now?(Bryan)
- Words on a Page(Wanda)
- The World is your Litter Box (Quasi)
- Writing as Jo(e)
- The Zen Cabin(Ripley)
Columnists and such
- Michael Berube
- Richard Cohen
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- Informed Comment (Juan Cole)
- Chris Ferguson
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- Molly Ivins
- Dahr Jamail's Iraqi Dispatches
- The Key (Paul Sloan)
- Paul Krugman
- Greg Palast
- John Pilger
- John Pilger
- Charley Reese
- Robert Scheer
- James Wolcott
Cost of the War in Iraq
(JavaScript Error)
Links to Games/fun stuff
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- Bonsai Kitten
- Dante's Inferno Test
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- Names Generator Generator
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*** Private! ***
- For my information
- Deconstructing the Blog
- Bank rates
- The Census Taker
- Exclusive: Bush Wanted To Invade Iraq If Elected in 2000
- Five Grammatical Errors That Make You Look Dumb
- Do You Make These Mistakes When You Write?
- Missouri Trailer Trash
- Darkow's Cartoons
- Doonesbury
- Opus
- Calvin & Hobbes
- Connie's Photography
- Cats in sinks
- Cute Overload
- Wanena
- Baruchito
- Eric's Excruciatingly Detailed Star Trek (TOS) Plot Summaries
- Iraqi WMDs
- SNL celebrity jeapardy
- Quotable Quotes
- Aha! Jokes: Clean Humor and Funny Pictures!
- Programmer jokes
- Cat Jokes
- Computer Jokes
- Cool Funny Jokes
- Sara Ford's Weblog: Favorite Computer Jokes
- Ole Joel on Software Forum - Comic Relief
- Jokes.Net Computer Jokes: Programmer Jokes
- Computer & Internet Jokes
- Humor on the Baarns Site
- Profession Jokes - Programmers
- Computer & IT Jokes
- Computer Jokes
- 247 Computer Jokes
- Best of RHF: Computer, Science and Math Jokes
- Queen Lyrics
- morning somewhere Lyrics
- Wikipedia BYOBB