Monday, May 16, 2005


Please, don't ask directions from me.

Why do people ask me how to get anywhere? With all the people walking around, they pick me, the worst direction giver in the world, how to get somewhere. Today, I was walking as a "wakening" break. I need to wake up or else fall asleep. Which will it be? Anyway, a young man asked me where some building was. He had the address. I thought I knew the street and it was near. I thought the street right out front changed into the street he needed. I told him so and he headed for his car. I should have told him to ask someone else, just to be sure.
I got back to my cube and asked my co-workers where the street was. They said it was right out front. I was right, for once. Thank goodness, I didn't send that young man out on a wild goose chase!

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