Monday, May 30, 2005


A post about nothing in particular.

Last night, I was sitting on my computer chair, in front of the computer, when the chair made some squeaking noise. Then, something fell to the floor! It was a bar (not the one with alcohol), about three inches long, that might have had a wing-nut on the other end. I looked all over that chair to find out where it belonged. Couldn't find where it came from. Hmmm. One of these days, the chair back is going to break and I'll end up on the floor. I just know it.
A couple days ago, I moved the site meter box down to the bottom of my blog, to keep the little blogger box company. In doing so, I seem to have lost the little envelope for E-mailing a post. The envelope was right next to the comment link. Does anyone know what I need to do, to get it back? Not a real big thing, but just wondering.
Oh, yeah, I see many blogs have an open thread, now and then. Please consider this an open thread. Say anything at all.

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