Tuesday, May 24, 2005


An Understanding.....of sorts.

Dark Wraith wrote a tremendously moving analysis about some community college students, their occupational options, and war. He explains the town divisions, the job situation, and several reasons the students are going to college. In "Analysis: Fire and Seeds," Dark Wraith discloses conversational bits the students, while on break, have about war, and the future.

...Three young men are talking out there, and the one young man, who's just enlisted, says, "Fuck, yeah. I'd fucking shoot 'em. They shit on themselves! Did you hear about that?—they shit on themselves when you lock 'em up!" The other two are snickering and nodding their heads in agreement...

...The culture of these males just oozes a deepening affinity to what the neo-conservatives have done to re-tool America into a war nation. The economy is failing them, the world of high and broad knowledge is pretty much unavailable to them, and the prospect of a country at peace is uninteresting to them. But despite all that should be telling them to fight for change, to insist upon and demand a civil society that provides abundantly for its people, these men line up to embrace the very mentality that sets upon them the boot of want and despair...

After reading the post, I was saddened. I really started thinking, in depth, about the military troops, and why so many young men(and young women) end up enlisting. When there's lack of employment, people have to determine what course they must take, to bring home an income. They may not want to join the military, but if it's the option left, they will (most likely) take that step.

It's a thought-inducing post that helps to understand others' situations. It's well worth the time taken to read it.

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