Thursday, July 28, 2005

Bush is Not an American By DOUG THOMPSON
...This is no longer an issue of differing political opinions or philosophies. This is war, a fight for survival

In other words: No rules.

Bush, in my opinion, is criminally insane, a pill-popping dry drunk whose erratic behavior and reckless actions threaten world peace and the future of this nation far more than any Islam-spouting religious fanatic. He is an enemy of the state, a mood-swinging despot who threatens the very freedoms that form the foundation for this country. He has created a police state where basic American freedoms have vanished under an politically-exaggerated threat to national scrutiny, milked the human tragedy of 9/11 for his personal agenda and ripped the Constitution to shreds through the USA Patriot Act, a rights-robbing piece of legislation put together by his former attorney general, the bible-thumping John Ashcroft, an inept former Senator who couldn’t even win an election against a dead man...
Great read! He's correct. It is time for us to get off our backsides and start working toward taking our country back. We have to remember, "Survival of the fittest". So far, the current party ruling the government has allowed money and other countries' goodwill to be squandered, shamelessly. Both parties have, pretty much, allowed this to go on. It's time to choose bold, new representatives who value this great country. It's also a time to stand up and make our voices heard.

On the lighter side: Bush.
Thanks to Guy at Eschaton comments.

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