Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Is it Thursday, yet?

Well, it figures! When I opened the dashboard to create a post, I noticed that the last post was number 666. I know, now, why I'm having a shitty day! Oh, by the way, Mark, over at Recidivist Journals, gives us a link to the history of SHIT.

OLDSTER:The view from down the road has a post explaining about: Parkinson's drug is linked to gambling compulsion. I wonder what causes the gambling compulsion in people not taking that drug? A former co-worker once told me that her sis gambled away a LOT of money, then won $15,000. Her sis was happy, but my friend said it was just a drop in the bucket to what she had spent. Ouch! That sucks!

Oldhorsetailsnake gives us his new plan:The Schemer Works on Making His Pile (I'll give you a hint: cracks)

Visiting this last one has greatly improved my mood! Especially about the school uniforms! Yes sirree!

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