Thursday, August 25, 2005


Hey LabKat ... did you see this???

Chuck Shepherd's News of the Weird (.915) WEEK OF AUGUST 21, 2005
In Brentwood, N.H., on July 30, police responded to an emergency call to find an intoxicated man with a padlock around his scrotum. He was taken to Exeter Hospital, and a locksmith freed him.

And the day before that, in Worcester, England, Geoffrey Hughes, 51, was given a two-year "anti-social behavior order" in Magistrates Court for a series of incidents, one of which was appearing in public wearing only a hat and, on his scrotum, a padlock. [Portsmouth Herald, 8-5-05] [Worcester Standard, 8-6-05]

So, is the padlock like a chastity belt for men?

Here is LabKat's post on the Brentwood, N.H., incident.

On another note.... here is a funny photo. Help me, I can't stop laughing! I know, I know, I'm going to hell...

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