Tuesday, August 09, 2005


I would hate to have this job...

Head of Youth Prison Removed for Using Unreasonable Force
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - The superintendent at the state's most notorious youth prison is being removed from his post for using unreasonable force against a ward and failing to report the incident, corrections officials said Thursday...
...The inspector general found that Kruse grabbed a handcuffed ward's hair and jaw as he was being escorted to another living unit after a fight involving 44 youths at the prison...

Investigators determined that the youth was already under control when this occurred. A report was not immediately made, afterward, by any of the employees involved. Investigations are currently being done to find out if wards' civil rights are being violated.
It would be difficult to work in a place like that. The kids are placed there for a reason, but that doesn't mean they should be mistreated. It's certainly a tough job, for anyone. Tough calls, tough kids, and tough guards. Ouch.

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