Monday, August 29, 2005


Sickos Anonymous

Alrighty, then. You all know I'm a "sicko" right? I admit it, yes, "Hi, my name is oldwhitelady and I'm a sicko." So, you won't be surprised by this post.

A little background: Right before caller ID was released to the general public, I received a phone call in the middle of the night. The caller whispered, "What color panties are you wearing?" The next day, I was jogging with my sister and told her about it. She was surprised because she had gotten a similar call. We talked about it and decided it must have been the telephone company drumming up business (we didn't really believe it was the phone company, but got amusement out of saying it was).

So, I was thinking about SiteMeter and how it shows IP addresses. I was thinking how that would be a GREAT story... (for The Practical Press, of course) ... you know, where the blogger is looking at her site meter and knows who belongs to what IP address, and, says to herself, as she looks at them, "I wonder what you're wearing?"

So, say I was this person and I saw Eli's IP (yes, I know which one is yours, Eli,... and I love to pick on Eli, 'cos he's such a great sport!) I would say, " I wonder what you're wearing," and of course, I would know he's wearing a camera. Anyway, I would appreciate if each of my visitors would send me an E-mail, or in the comments below, telling me what their IP address is, so I would know "who" to wonder "what" about.

All the information you provide, to me, will be evaluated for my story. *wink wink*

I know, too much fluff, not enough real stuff! - I'll start blogging appropriately, later..

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