Thursday, August 18, 2005
Three people killed in two KC shootings. I hate it when I start to think like a wingnut. This story goes on to say that, for the year, these three bring the number of homicides, for the city, to 76. Immediately, I began to hear these thoughts that, "It's almost as dangerous to live in KC, as it is to be in Iraq." However, if I should hear something as assinine as that, I would point out that people in KC can move, if they choose(and have the finances to do so). The troops cannot leave Iraq if they choose. The administration didn't place the people in KC, but did place the troops in Iraq.
I knew there was something I should have been doing last night! I received an Email from someone about it, but neglected to read it. ‘Camp Casey’ goes national - More than 1,600 vigils held, groups say. There was a candlelight vigil held at the courthouse, last night, with about (according to one story) 200 people attending. According to another, about 100 attending. I know they're talking about the same vigil because there is the same man - in foreground in the top picture, background in bottom picture.
I knew there was something I should have been doing last night! I received an Email from someone about it, but neglected to read it. ‘Camp Casey’ goes national - More than 1,600 vigils held, groups say. There was a candlelight vigil held at the courthouse, last night, with about (according to one story) 200 people attending. According to another, about 100 attending. I know they're talking about the same vigil because there is the same man - in foreground in the top picture, background in bottom picture.