Saturday, August 20, 2005


War is bad!

In Two Shootings by Iraq Vets, War Stress Blamed, By Angie Wagner and Denise Lavoie Associated Press Writers.
...In Las Vegas, Matthew Sepi was on his way to get a beer, but he tucked an assault rifle inside his black trenchcoat just in case. In Lawrence, Mass., Daniel Cotnoir brought out his 12-gauge shotgun. Both pulled the trigger. Now Sepi faces murder and attempted murder charges while Cotnoir is charged with attempted murder...
Unfortunately, I'm afraid we will be hearing and reading about a lot more of these incidences. I've never been involved in war, but I did read "Red Badge of Courage," by Stephen Crane. (I threw that in because Crane had no war experience when he wrote the book, but it was a graphic read.) With the stresses brought about by setbacks, hardships, & pitfalls that creep into our lives, I can understand how soldiers, seeing the horrifying results of war with their own eyes, can become unhinged. What I don't understand, are the thoughts of the pro-war people. Don't, or can't, they realize what evil they're promoting?

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