Saturday, September 24, 2005


Contest - great ideas

In my reference links, I have a link to an article called, "Do Unto Others - a guide to striking back at the Religious Right." by Elroy. I enjoy reading it from time to time. Here is an excerpt:
...Either they are liars, and we should simply ignore them; or our assumption is true, and we should be doing to them as they are doing to us. Based on the belief that the Religious Right indeed see themselves as defenders of the Golden Rule, it is not inappropriate, therefore, to make the following suggestions on what we should be doing to them.

Titles of each suggestion:

1. Picket Their Churches
2. Disrupt Their Meetings
3. Picket Their Schools
4. Boycott Their Companies
5. Put Up Candidates In Small, Local Elections
6. Mislead Their Youth.

...But if the Religious Right feel these kinds of subversive tactics are acceptable as a means of defending good morals in our country, then we should use the same tactics on them.

Find a local Gay or Lesbian band that is willing to go along, and set up a free concert. Bill it as a free Christian music event, and print up flyers to be passed around at all the local Religious Right churches and parachurch organizations. Put them on car windows in the Focus on the Family, 700 Club, or local church parking lots. Get the word out. And make sure you use the right jargon. Just as unsuspecting teens are attracted by a "free rock concert," kids indoctrinated into the Religious Right's mentality will be attracted to an event that appears genuinely Christian. Use the word "Christian" a lot. Also put in words like "Born Again" and "Family Values." These are flag words used by the Religious Right to test whether an event is truly to their liking. Create a name for your concert promotion entity that also serves this purpose. Use titles like, "Family Values Crusade" or "Born Again Entertainment."...

After reading Elroy's suggestions, I wondered if anyone else had other suggestions. Perhaps we could have a contest to decide which suggestion is the best? I'm sure we all have some GREAT IDEAS. Share, please!

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