Saturday, October 22, 2005


Dammit Jim

...I have a couple things to say...It's better to burn out, than to fade away! Victor Kruger/The Kurgan in The Highlander.

Sis just called - I can sleep late, today, the trailride is not until tomorrow. Why on earth would they have it on a Sunday? After being in the saddle all day, I know I'm going to have some aches and pains on Monday. I had originally agreed to work today for someone. Because of the trailride, I traded working today for next Saturday. Yesterday, I agreed to come in tomorrow about noon to help with another health fair. Today, I'm going to have to call around and see if I can find someone else to go in tomorrow. My sis says, "I really want you to go." Well, we'll see.

Another thing...Someone told me to not get fat the other day. I've been stewing on that for a little while, now. I realize it wasn't meant to irritate, but it did! When one is already trying to lose weight, something like that can really strike a nerve! The girls at the lab and I have decided that we will start our exercise program again. I'm not sure if I've written about it, or not. Anyway, what happens is this: We all agreed to exercise three days a week for 30 minutes. If we don't do it, for each of the 3 days we don't exercise, we have to donate 50cents to the kitty. The last time we did this, we bought pizza and KFC (at different times) with the money in the kitty.

Okay, mood is a little better, now. Time to see if I can get a battery. Also, will have to check the news for things to rant about. Personal life rants taken care of. Thanks for letting me rant.

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