Saturday, October 15, 2005


"more savage, more brutal, more pitiless."

Torture and Misery in the Name of Freedom, by Harold Pinter.
...But the "free world" we are told, as embodied in the United States and Great Britain, is different to the rest of the world since our actions are dictated and sanctioned by a moral authority and a moral passion condoned by someone called God. Some people may find this difficult to comprehend but Osama Bin Laden finds it easy...

...We have brought torture, cluster bombs, depleted uranium, innumerable acts of random murder, misery and degradation to the Iraqi people and call it " bringing freedom and democracy to the Middle East". But, as we all know, we have not been welcomed with the predicted flowers. What we have unleashed is a ferocious and unremitting resistance, mayhem and chaos...

...What do Bush and Blair actually see when they look at themselves in the mirror?

I believe Wilfred Owen would share our contempt, our revulsion, our nausea and our shame at both the language and the actions of the American and British governments.

The whole article is read (and link) worthy. The horror is that he is absolutely correct in all that he says, here.

How can the USA hold it's head up when we have such crimes behind our belt? Then we have the audacity to point at other countries and make up stories (to aid our nefarious plans) about them?

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