Mom goes out and takes all these pictures, but she never takes us with her. The only time
we get to go anywhere is when she decides to take us to the vet. I like to run outside as soon as she opens the door. She can't always keep me inside. Really, though, there's no where to go, except under the deck or into the cannas and then make her have to chase me. I'm afraid to get too far away, since she never lets me out to roam around. I don't know what's out there. I know there are dogs around. I can hear them barking during the day. Anyway, we took a vote and decided not to show a kitty picture this morning, instead, we found this interesting picture in her photo file and decided it was rather nice. Have a good day, everyone. Remember to go to church. No, we will not type up notes taken of the sermons.

# posted by CottonMangoLFortunaRGirlGFeather @ 10/30/2005 06:30:00 AM