Thursday, October 27, 2005
words and phrases
Happy Furry Puppy Story Time With Norbizness has the post: These Are The Terms I Could Do Without. What a fun rundown of current phrases and words that are being over-used. Here is one I found highly amusing.
It looks like The Heretik also has something on this topic, and includes a link to Forbidden Words, Phrases and Acronyms of 2006from Rox Populi. I had not been to her site before. What a fantastic blog header graphic!
-- culture of life, ownership society, compassionate conservative, freedom is on the march. The inclusion of these phrases is a bit disingenuous, because they're just empty phrases generated by an impotent White House and parroted by craven, disgusting, wormy little sycophants.
It looks like The Heretik also has something on this topic, and includes a link to Forbidden Words, Phrases and Acronyms of 2006from Rox Populi. I had not been to her site before. What a fantastic blog header graphic!