Sunday, November 13, 2005
Molly Ivins
Some Kind of Manly
Austin, Texas - I can't get over this feeling of unreality, that I am actually sitting here writing about our country having a gulag of secret prisons in which it tortures people. I have loved America all my life, even though I have often disagreed with the government. But this seems to me so preposterous, so monstrous. My mind is a little bent and my heart is a little broken this morning...Terrific article. It's interesting, she said that people talk about shrub being competitive, she points out that he was a cheerleader. I guess you can't get more competitive than that!
... "We do not torture," said our pitifully inarticulate president, straining through emphasis and repetition to erase the obvious...
...And that'll show 'em, won't it? Take some miserable human being alone and helpless in a cell, completely under your control, and torture him. Boy, that is some kind of manly, ain't it?...