Tuesday, December 06, 2005


I like this exit strategy suggestion!

...Any CEO of a corporation who screwed up as many things as George W. Bush would have been fired by its board of directors...

Mr. Bush, Have I Got An Exit Strategy For You by Gus R. Stelzer.
...Earlier this year, Terri Schiavo lay in a permanent coma connected to a feeding tube. Her husband said she would have wanted that tube removed. But Republican members of Congress passed a resolution to maintain the tube, causing Bush to fly from his ranch in Texas to Washington to sign that legislation. As his pen was poised to sign the document, Bush said, "If there is an error in this matter, it is best to err on the side of life." Why didn't Bush make that same judgment in early 2003 when millions of Americans protested against a possible invasion of Iraq, as did many foreign leaders? Bush had no qualms about killing and wounding thousands of soldiers and innocent civilians. In view of his miserable record, his arrogant lack of good judgment and his failure to understand the gravity of his record, President Bush (and Vice President Dick Cheney) should be shown the exit door with a proviso to never darken the Oval Office again. That should be exit strategy No. 1!...
The bolding in the text is mine. Actually, the whole paragraph should be bolded, but I'm going for subtlety.

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