Saturday, July 22, 2006


Totally in love

When Saddie died, I mourned him as much as I would a person. He was always happy to see me. He followed me around, because he liked sitting on my lap and being petted by me. I really like that in a cat. Rocky Girl and Lady Fortuna had already decided they didn't like lapsitting that much, when I got them. I tried to teach them, but finally realized I could get a kitten and teach it.
Luckily for me, the kitten I thought I wanted was off on a field trip to a library or something. I played with two cats that day. The first was an 8 week old that looked just like Grey Feather. While I held that little kitten, I saw, at the end of the room, three month old Grey Feather, in a higher cage, acting all "pick me pick me". I had to play with her. The minute she was placed in my arms, I was lost. She's not Saddie, but she's working on the same temperament. I like that in a cat.

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