Sunday, September 03, 2006



My cousins invited me on another float trip. I asked sis and bro if they wanted to go. We took my kayak and cousin brought an extra canoe. I found out that I really LIKE having a single person kayak better than rowing with another person. Sis and bro got to find out if they liked kayaking. I think they both did. The scenery was great. The river was low in parts, but we had a good time. We stopped a couple places to swim, but the water was so coooold! Camping was quite an adventure. Sis and I slept in the tent. Have you ever walked into a bar where the music was too loud to hear anyone talk? That's how loud the neighboring campers had their music playing. One good thing, though, the song Jackie Blue came on and I hadn't heard that one in years! I fell asleep to the loud music, and then my sister decided call it a night. As she entered the tent, I woke up, of course. Finally, I was drifting back to sleep when a car drove by and *BOOM*!, a couple seconds later another *BOOM*! We tore out of that tent to see what the noise was. For some reason, I thought the auto I heard might have run off the road, luckily, it was some jerks firing some sort of fireworks. The others said it was artillary shells. They set off another or two, then shot a couple fireworks into the sky. It was quite an adventure!

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