Friday, September 22, 2006


Friday Cat Blogging... not Grey Feather, again..?

Last week's Friday Cat Blogging showed Lady Fortuna and Grey Feather. Someone mentioned (not on bloggy comments) that I needed to stop showing so many photos of Grey Feather because people might get the idea I like her best.

Here is a picture of Grey Feather and Grey Feather. Notice how her ears are very similarly held for the photo. I'm thinking Grey Feather must be a duplicating shape-changer as this picture makes her look very much like Rocky Girl and Sgt Mango.

And, here, is another picture of Grey Feather. Her eyes sure shine brightly when flash is used. It makes her look almost Cottonlike, doesn't it?

As always, Grey Feather suggests looking at the other wonderful animal pictures linked for Friday Ark at The Modulator.

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