Wednesday, October 11, 2006


How's it going in Iraq?

Atrios had a post, Iraq'd, linking to the article, by Jane Arraf, Calling Bob in Baghdad.
...I don't know of a single family here that hasn't had a relative, neighbor or friend die violently. In places where there's been all-out fighting going on, I've interviewed parents who buried their dead child in the yard because it was too dangerous to go to the morgue...
Bob, apparently, had left some message about how the media doesn't mention the good things that happen in Iraq. Apparently, all some people can think of are the schools that are/have been rebuilt and painted. I guess I'm not really all that surprised at the several comments blaming the Iraqies for the condition of their country. As someone in the comment section pointed out, most of the rebuilding is just repairing what "Shock and Awe" ruined.
I did like the comment from Dave, Indiana (Sent Oct 10, 2006 3:21:33 PM) "Simple" 3 Step Solution To Saving The Human Race.

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