Sunday, October 01, 2006


Links to interesting articles.

SC Republican Councilman Calls for the Sterilization of Parents with Bad Kids What the hell?

Supernaturals & Altered States
Researcher and author Graham Hancock presented his thesis that "supernatural" entities such as aliens and fairies are actually transdimensional beings that humans encounter during altered states of consciousness. The ability to shape-shift has been ascribed to both modern aliens as well as elves and other entities reported centuries ago, he detailed...
...As part of his experiential research, he traveled to South America and took the psychedelic plant mixture ayahuasca. During one such episode, he described a confrontation with an alien being, but rather than being an extraterrestrial, he suggested it inhabits another dimension that can only be accessed during an altered state.
I was listening to this show - Coast to Coast with George Noorey - on the radio, and found it to be extremely thought provoking.

Depleted Uranium – Far Worse Than 9/11 One of the thoughts that go through my mind, when I think about DU is that it's not only the people affected, but flora and fauna, too.

US Fast Food Chains Sued Over Carcinogenic Chicken They say it's the grilled chicken, but I'm wondering if the chicken nuggets (which I enjoy) might be made from that same chicken.

A Broken, De-Humanized Military in Iraq
...The longer the occupation of Iraq continues, more death and destruction are two things all of us can count on. Along with a broken, bleeding military that is being stretched even further each day, and the anxious families of those serving, whose nerves and hearts are also being stretched further each day.
What Chavez Really Said - A Hell Of A Speech
...We want ideas to save our planet, to save the planet from the imperialist threat. And hopefully in this very century, in not too long a time, we will see this, we will see this new era, and for our children and our grandchildren a world of peace based on the fundamental principles of the United Nations, but a renewed United Nations...
I won't say "Republican pedophile ring" but feel free to think it... Mark Foley, the Florida Republican ex-Congressman, was chairman of the Missing and Exploited Children's Caucus!

hattip to,, and Coast to Coast.

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