Wednesday, December 06, 2006


It's still winter

Well, the snow is melting. Hopefully, we won't get any more. I don't care if people want a white Christmas. I would prefer not.

I stopped my daily paper because I didn't have time to read it. I miss reading the call-in comments. Usually, whenever there's a snow storm, there are a couple cranks complaining about cinders being used on the roads. They say the cinders get tracked into the house and create a nasty mess. I say, what do you want? A nasty road that you can't drive on? If they use salt and/or sand (which they might also do) it eats away at the car's paint. Still, I prefer to have the cinders/salt/sand on the road, instead of trying to drive on the snow and ice.

Oh yeah. The other day, someone told me that peace is political.

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