Friday, May 11, 2007


Friday Cat Blogging-Dare Devil.

Pay no attention to the cobwebs. I didn't realize they were there, until I saw the photos blown up. They will be taken care of:)I finally got a photo of Rocky Girl walking the curtain rod. I think she jumped up from the bed. Sometimes, I'll wake and see her standing up there. When she jumps down to the bed, she tends to land on the other side of me. I'm hoping she never decides to land on me. Those claws would hurt.
I'm not sure if Grey Feather is saying, "Wow!" or if she's saying, "that's nothing, I can do it, too." However, she always jumps to the curtain rod from the dresser. The distance isn't as far.

As always, check out the wonderful animal pictures linked for Friday Ark at The Modulator.

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