Sunday, December 19, 2021


One more.

I think I've posted enough, today. I decided to get some things done. I put plastic over my main draft allowing windows, moved the love seat to a better placement, burned all the junk mail and other paper products that fill the trash cans, and performed the usual chores of feeding seven cats and cleaning catboxes. I have to clean boxes and feed cats, again. I will also put out the usual opossum food.

I thought I had left a comment here, but perhaps I didn't. So, I just wanted to say how much I love your artwork. Your paintings are so beautiful. I showed them to Roger, and we were both shouting out our Wows! to you.

Merry Christmas.
Thank you, Robin Andrea and Roger! I’m so glad you like my artwork. It really is a calming activity. I don't post very much on Blogger, anymore. I blame FaceBook. I belong to a couple painting groups, an opossum group, a spider group, an owl group, and a couple others. It seems to take up some time. I also try to wait until weekends to do much with any of them.😄👍
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