Friday, September 26, 2008


Friday Cat Blogging-New Blanket

My sister mentioned that I hadn't posted any pictures of Mango, lately (this was before the two previous posts). This is the third Mango picture in a row!

A couple months ago, my pharmacist was going to go to Mexico. She asked if I wanted her to bring me anything.

I know! The drugs are cheap, I hear;)

I picked up a small colorful blanket, back in 88, I think it was, when I went to Tijuana. It had ridden around in the back window of my car and the color faded...then I misplaced it. I asked my pharmacist to pick up one of those delightful blankets for me. Living life on the edge, I tell you! As you can see, she did. It's much larger than the one I had. My cats and I are all thrilled. Aren't those colors wonderful?!?!?!

Happy Friday! As always, check out the wonderful animal pictures linked for Friday Ark at The Modulator.

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Friday, September 19, 2008


Friday Cat Blogging.

Mango and Rocky Girl enjoy the air conditioner.

Happy Friday! As always, check out the wonderful animal pictures linked for Friday Ark at The Modulator.

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Friday, September 12, 2008


Yay! It's Friday Cat Blogging.

So, I decided to let my cats outside for a bit. Here, Cotton is enjoying a nice sit down in the fresh air. I'm thinking the outside light makes him look slimmer and trimmer. Delightful!

Sgt Mango certainly looks like he has plenty to eat, doesn't he? He can't seem to get back down to that svelte size he enjoyed as a youngster. No matter, he looks a lot healthier than when he originally started living here. He likes to lay around and look cute. Hmmm. The outside light makes his tail look longer.

Happy Friday! As always, check out the wonderful animal pictures linked for Friday Ark at The Modulator.

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Friday, September 05, 2008


Friday Cat Blogging - staying cool.

So, I bought an air conditioner. Grey Feather is enjoying it, in this picture. Currently, at this moment in time, Rocky Girl is laying on it. I don't know what they're going to do when I take it out of the box!

Happy Friday! As always, check out the wonderful animal pictures linked for Friday Ark at The Modulator.

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