Friday, July 17, 2009


Friday Cat Blogging - Can't remember this cat's name.

Last Saturday, I went to the neice's - oops - niece's house and met this cat formally. Sometime back, I posted a picture of him in a window. Now, I actually got to pick him up and play with him. What a nice kitty. He, like Lady Fortuna and Grey Feather, was a pound puppy, until his adoption. I've determined that if you want nice friendly cats, you must have some kids around to play with them. Wouldn't my cats be pissed if I brought some kids home to stay? It's bad enough I bring a kitten home every couple years!

Happy Friday! As always, check out the wonderful animal pictures linked for Friday Ark at The Modulator.

**Yay! Update on the cat's name (from the comment by Anonymous). The pretty, fluffy, orange cat's name is Werro.

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