Sunday, February 28, 2010
Paint by numbers.
I've had so many people ask, "Owl, haven't you painted anything, recently? How do you get your paintings to look so good?" Not. So, anyway, just because no one's asked doesn't mean I won't show how an Owl painting comes about.I started the painting about two weeks ago. The first step was to lay down some of the colors and an outline of sorts. The second step was this one. I laid down some more paint, then set it aside. Looking at it, I noticed that it looks like large rocks, right before the bunch of trees. I'll develop those a bit more, in the next step.I was sitting around, watching television, when I decided I needed to add some paint. Here is step three. I worked on the rocks and the grounded tree trunks. I was sitting around watching television, when I decided I really needed to add a little more detail. Here is step four. More work on the rocks and grounded tree trunks. Add more shaded areas, and work somewhat on the right side.I needed to add some grass, or something to make that right side area look like something. Step five. I notice that those two trees in the background are too dark. I'll take care of that next time.Well, that's about all I can think of. I don't want to spoil the painting by adding anything more, or trying to fix something that looks a bit strange. I'll call it snowymorningsomwhere. Heh:)Now that I have that one finished, I need to start something new. This is the first pass on this canvas. I know I need to finish my sister's horse painting (I started last year) but I think I'll finish this one first, then get back to hers. I kind of like this one as it is, but it's not what it needs to be.
Labels: painting