Friday, June 29, 2007


Friday Cat Blogging with Cotton

Cotton is happy that we've gotten rain in the past couple days. He was getting worried because he knows Fourth of July will be here soon. He knows people like to play with fireworks and hopefully, the dampness will deter fires. He doesn't want Missouri to have the same problems California (Tahoe) is encountering.

He was also happy to hear that the Bald Eagles are thriving. He's really a good, thoughtful cat. Apparently, when he seems to be sleeping, he's really thinking deep thoughts. I should have named him Jack Handy.

As always, check out the wonderful animal pictures linked for Friday Ark at The Modulator.

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Wednesday, June 27, 2007


It's all about me me

Eli at Multi Medium tagged me with this meme.

1. All right, here are the rules.

2. We have to post these rules before we give you the facts.

3. Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.

4. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
If you want to play, please feel free to do so. I am not going to tag anyone.

5. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog. If you want to play, please feel free to do so. I am not going to tag anyone.

(For symmetry, shouldn’t there be eight rules?)

Okay, random things…
(I did think about copying Eli's random things and posting them as mine, just for fun, but decided not to).

1) I've been trying to work the word loquacious into conversation for the past week.

2) I was drinking pepsi and milk long before the show Laverne & Shirley came out.

3) I used to have lots of will power, but for the past seven or eight years, it has eluded me.

4) It's hard to throw things away, I might need them later. My place isn't as bad as the ones shown on TV, but it's stacked high in places.

5) I like to read mystery novels - and I prefer paperbacks because they're easier to hold...then, can't get rid of them if they're enjoyable. Consequently, I have many paperback books.

6) I write lists. I have to carry a purse to carry my lists...and can't find the latest when I get to the store.

7) My bills get stuck in a canvas carry bag which is carried with me, because I never know when I might want to write out the bills. When it gets full, I usually find a new bag (I have several) instead of getting rid of the bills.

8) I haven't read the directions to my cameras and I've been using the Canon Power Shot A85 for the past two years. Imagine the photos I could get if I knew how to correctly utilize it.

8) I've been working full time at a day job and either going to night school in the evening, or working in the evening, since 1988.

8) Sometimes, I add on an extra line or two, just for kicks.

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Monday, June 25, 2007


Open-Door Policy...

I'm sorry, I didn't actually do much this weekend. I had chores planned, but never got to them. I did, however, have a nice restful weekend. I watched Congo, three episodes of Bonanza, six episodes of The Lone Ranger, and four episodes of Trouble With Father. How's that for getting away from reality?

Yesterday, I did pull a cucumber, a zucchini, and five potatoes from my garden. Happy Monday, everyone. It's off to work we go, hi-ho, hi-ho:)

Friday, June 22, 2007


Friday Cat Blogging with Grey Feather.

Not to be outdone by Fixer in blogwhoring, Grey Feather wants our readers to know that I posted a new story at The Practical Press. She likes this story because it's about fishing and she likes fish. She thinks the story is mighty entertaining. She only wishes that Chas and Zane would give her some of their catch. We hope your Friday is good!

As always, check out the wonderful animal pictures linked for Friday Ark at The Modulator.

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Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Getting some writing in.

Here's a short story I recently posted at The Practical Press. Please, feel free to tell me what you think. Be rough if you have to:)


I pulled my huge body out of bed. I sat there for a moment, trying to wake. Finally, I pushed myself up and lumbered to the bathroom. I took my shower, wondering why anything for a larger person had to be twice the expense. This shower, take for instance, could be a lot larger to accomodate a body this size. As it is, I barely keep the water for splashing on the bathroom floor.

Taking several towels to dry my immense girth, I found clothes to put on. Luckily, they were elastic waist, and stretchy shirt. I lowered my haunches to the bed, and pulled the shoes with my feet. Sitting there, on the edge of the bed, I bent between my legs to try to get the loafers on my feet. Good thing it was warm out, I wouldn't be able to get socks on my feet, not with this huge tire taking up so much room on my waist.

As I got to the kitchen, I wondered what would be good for breakfast. I snacked on a couple Oreo cookies as I opened the freezer for the instant food. Slap it in the microwave, or toaster, and viola!

I still had a box of those yummy sausage gravy biscuits. It contained four. Yes, those would be nice. I put them on a plate and into the microwave. What else is there? I found a package of eight pancakes. Oh, yes! Those would go in the microwave next.

I poured myself a glass of orange juice and a cup of coffee. I put three tablespoons of sugar and an inch of cream into the coffee. Puckering my lips, I sucked in a taste. Oh, yeah, that makes a nice cup.

Out of the microwave, I pulled my sausage gravy biscuits, then put in the pancakes. I found the syrup and pulled the butter from the refrigerator. When the microwave dinged, I pulled out the pancakes and slathered butter between each. I poured syrup over them. When the bottom of the plate was covered with syrup, I stopped.

I sat down at the table and looked at my mini feast. I cut off a chunk of pancake and stuffed it into my mouth. I took a bite of biscuit. As I chewed, I picked up the orange juice. It all tasted so wonderful.

After I finished breakfast, I forced myself up and stacked the dirty dishes in the sink. Time to go to work. I locked the door, trod down the sidewalk, and got into the car. Too bad they make these cars so small. I had the seat back as far as it would go, and my arms seemed almost too short to reach the wheel. I started it up. As I drove to work, I thought about where I wanted to go for lunch. A steak would be tasty. And what about supper? Spaghetti with meatballs, and chocolate cake covered with ice cream for dessert, sounds awfully good.

Once I arrived at work, I circled the close parking spaces. There was nowhere to park. I drove a couple passes by, but no parking spaces opened up. I drove to the next parking lot. It was a lot farther away. I really didn't feel like walking that far. I finally found a parking space in the very back. Tomorrow, I'd have to start out earlier.

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Monday, June 18, 2007


It sure is Monday.

How do you like that? I uploaded the photo, then titled it, accidentally hit enter (I guess) and it posted. Yup... Monday it is. At least it's at the end of the day. I thought this nice flower picture would be a fun change from all those cat pictures. Maybe, Friday I'll feel like posting cat pictures. We'll see.

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Saturday, June 16, 2007


Why did no one remind me?

The third, and final, leg of the Triple Crown was last Saturday, June 9, 2007: 2007 Belmont Stakes Results.

I can't believe I missed the Belmont! And to think, it was won by a filly! That's not a usual occurrance. Good for the winner, Rags to Riches. I see Curlin was second and Tiago was third. Hard Spun came in fourth. I'll bet it was a fantastic race!

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I'm not going to have to eat cat food this month.

What a pleasant way to spend the morning! If you have to be awake, that is. It all started a couple months ago. One of the newer girls told us about her weekend and how she had to go to a church to pick up her food. "Your food?" we all asked. She explained that she had ordered her food a month ago from something called, "Angel Food Ministries". Then, she had to be at the church, to pick it up, on a specific day.

A day or two later, one of the other girls brought in something she'd printed off the Internet. It told of the menus offered and the prices. We all said we were going to order. Well, we didn't that month, but the next menu came around and I said I was going to order. My good friend, next to me, said she'd like to order one of the specials. There is a main menu you must purchase, $25.00, to order any of the specials (the ones we opted for were $17.00 each). So, I ordered the main menu and a special. I ordered her special while I was at it.

We waited all month. Today was the day! The time, to pick it up, was between 9:00 and 11:00 am. If you don't get there within the time constraints, or make special arrangements, your food becomes a donation to help feed the hungry. So, I took a couple boxes and my clothes basket on over to the church I'd ordered from (I sent check and order form to that address the month before). Because I was pretty early, there were only a couple people, in front of me, waiting to be helped. It looked like there were plenty of people being helped, already, though.

When it was my turn, the lady had a young man (she called him a "walker") who took my laundry basket to load up. He told me it should be big enough; I didn't need the boxes and I could leave them there, or take them with me. I asked if others would be able to use my boxes, and he said, "yes", so I left them there. There was a grouping of tables with volunteers manning (and womanning) each station. Each had an item that went into my basket. It was so well set up, and everyone was so very friendly, it cheered me no end! At the end of the line, my two specials were waiting, already boxed up. Another gentleman picked them up and they carried them out to my car. It was amazing!

I took my friend's special to her, and brought mine home. The specials (chicken items) will have to be cooked, not just microwaved (I usually get stuff that's already cooked). So, I ended up with a Salisbury steak dinner, St. Louis Ribs, chicken tenders, stuffed manicotti, country chicken fried beef steaks, lasagna hamburger helper, pasta salad, pinto beans, sliced frozen carrots, corn, french fries, corn muffin mix, rice, peanut butter, waffles, and peanut butter cookies. The chicken special contained wings, breaded tenders, breaded nuggets, chicken breasts, and breaded frying chicken. "No income restrictions/If you eat, you qualify". They didn't even ask to see my church identification:)
Crossposted at The Fat Lady Sings


Friday, June 15, 2007


Friday Cat Blogging - Strange cat in yard.

Working all the time, I haven't been able to enjoy my yard as much as I'd like. I hopped in the car and as I looked back, I saw this strange cat looking back at me... from in my yard! I jumped out with camera in hand, and it took off. Obviously, it wasn't there to see me. I managed to snap a couple pictures, but the camera wasn't yet awake. As you can tell, the photo is rather fuzzy.

As always, check out the wonderful animal pictures linked for Friday Ark at The Modulator.

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Monday, June 11, 2007


Hoping for a decent week.

When I got up this morning, to go to work, it was raining. I was happy it was raining, even though I'd watered the garden, last night. The rest of the plants and trees needed a drink, too. After working my shift in the "bowels of hell", I have to tell you, I'm glad the weekend is over!

This is the sky tonight. Isn't it spectacular? My cats were waiting in the window, when I got home. I think they may have enjoyed the sunset.

I haven't gone to many blogs to see what's happening, because, quite frankly, I've been too lazy. Besides working all the time, I've been re-reading some of my Dick Frances books. I haven't even been paying attention to the news. I did, however, see the article about the beef that might be tainted with E. Coli. That figures. I seldom eat beef, so Friday, I happened to have a cheeseburger...It was delicious, but now, it will probably be another long while before I have another.

What is happening to our food supply? It seems there's one scare after another. Luckily for me, I'm not in one of the states with the tainted beef. I'm hoping you, my friends, haven't had any problems with it.

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Friday, June 08, 2007


Friday Cat Blogging - Rocky Girl's string

We were playing strings and Rocky Girl grabbed one. Then, she decided she wanted the other, too. She didn't want to lose the one she already had, so held it while she tried to grab the other. She wasn't quick enough to have both:)

As always, check out the wonderful animal pictures linked for Friday Ark at The Modulator.

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Sunday, June 03, 2007


Another tired cat.

While I was reading articles such as this, Attorney accused of marriage fraud, Mango was busy having a nap. As for the article, it seems to me that if same-sex marriages were allowed as legal, throughout the United States, this type of prosecution wouldn't happen. If the male attorney would have married his friend, it still wouldn't have kept his friend in the country, because immigration doesn't acknowledge gay marriages. It's high time everyone should be allowed to marry who they wish to marry, with the same equality to all married couples! Of course, I'm talking humans marrying other humans.

Friday, June 01, 2007


Friday Cat Blogging - Too tired.

Grey Feather is just too tired to do anything. Her iron levels must be down. I'll have to get her some vitamins and minerals made for kitties. The other kitties would probably appreciate some, too. :) Grey Feather and Rocky Girl have been acting like race horses, again. Zoom, zoom, back and forth, from one room to the other. Maybe, they've entered in the Indy 500 (that is what it's called, isn't it?)

We hope your Friday isn't one of those long drawn out, dragging, tiring, boring, irritating, day that never seems to end type day. Instead, we hope it's a happy, hoppy, exciting, whirlwind, whew! the day just flew by type of day... since it's Friday and the weekend beckons, of course.

As always, check out the wonderful animal pictures linked for Friday Ark at The Modulator.

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